The Fertility Whisperer™ line was developed by Dr. Shasta Ericson.
The Fertility Whisperer™ line was developed by Dr. Shasta Ericson.
Dr. Shasta's Basic Women's Fertility Protocol:
These are the basic needs for women's fertility. However, you may need to add other supplements and/or herbs to create a comprehensive plan of care for you. Consult with a Healthcare provider before taking herbs/supplements and discontinue products if you become pregnant. Purchase This Protocol Now
Manufacturer: Vital Nutrients
Product #: COQ23
Quantity: 60 vegcaps
Manufacturer: Vitanica
Product #: PRE25
Quantity: 60 caps
Manufacturer: Amazing Grass
Product #: A34003
Quantity: 17 oz
Manufacturer: Nordic Naturals
Product #: N17476
Quantity: 60 softgels
Manufacturer: Garden of Life
Product #: G35422
Quantity: 30 softgels
Manufacturer: Garden of Life
Product #: G17715
Quantity: 180 tabs
Manufacturer: Garden of Life
Product #: G20036
Quantity: 30 vegcaps
Manufacturer: Kan Herbs - Traditionals
Product #: WP120
Quantity: 120 tabs
Manufacturer: Pure Encapsulations
Product #: VD51
Quantity: 120 vegcaps
Manufacturer: Garden of Life
Product #: G13809
Quantity: 60 vegcaps
Manufacturer: NOW
Product #: N2560
Quantity: 60 softgels
Dr. Shasta's TCM Herbal Formula Protocol:
Helps restore your natural cycle with TCM Fertility Herbal Formulas Phase 1 and 2. TCM herbal formulas restore natural follicle and egg quality, and support natural ovulation and fertilization. TCMCeuticals is a brand of natural herbal medicine designed for specific health concerns. These formulas are created by accomplished practitioners based on decades of their clinical experience. TCMzone's full-spectrum extraction technology ensures the complete benefits of natural herbs. Consult with Healthcare provider before taking herbs/supplements and discontinue products if become pregnant. Purchase This Protocol Now
Manufacturer: TCMCeuticals
Product #: T34207
Quantity: 18 pckts
Manufacturer: TCMCeuticals
Product #: T34214
Quantity: 14 pckts
Dr. Shasta's Basic Men's Fertility Protocol:
Maintaining healthy testosterone levels becomes a greater concern as men age. Inadequate nutrition and other lifestyle factors can also affect testosterone production. You may or may not want to add one of these three supplemental products to the basic protocol; ayu-test, virility for Men & Testosterone formula. These products combine essential nutrients with botanical extracts, to help support healthy testosterone levels and male virility. Consult with Healthcare provider before taking herbs/supplements. Purchase This Protocol Now
Manufacturer: Integrative Therapeutics
Product #: TEST6
Quantity: 90 vegcaps
Manufacturer: Protocol For Life Balance
Product #: VIRI4
Quantity: 60 vegcaps
Manufacturer: Ayush Herbs
Product #: AY132
Quantity: 60 vegcaps
Manufacturer: Source Naturals
Product #: SN1461
Quantity: 60 tabs
Manufacturer: Ancient Nutrition
Product #: DA7320
Quantity: 90 caps
Manufacturer: Garden of Life
Product #: G17661
Quantity: 30 tabs
Manufacturer: Garden of Life
Product #: G13786
Quantity: 30 vegcaps
Manufacturer: Nordic Naturals
Product #: PR003
Quantity: 120 softgels
Dr. Shasta's Gender Neutral Clean and Natural PersonalCare Protocol:
Gender Neutral and natural personal care options that fit anyone's budget. Lavender essential oil is a natural antibacterial deodorizer and useful as soap, body-wash, and deodorant. Fragrance-free options as available, but all products have multiple fragrance choices. Created for you by the Emerson medical team! Purchase This Protocol Now
Manufacturer: Desert Essence
Product #: D20536
Quantity: 6.25 oz
Manufacturer: Himalaya USA
Product #: H00134
Quantity: 1 bar
Manufacturer: Desert Essence
Product #: D37111
Quantity: 8 oz
Manufacturer: Desert Essence
Product #: D37128
Quantity: 8 oz
Manufacturer: Desert Essence
Product #: D37531
Quantity: 8 oz
Manufacturer: Theraneem
Product #: TH9908
Quantity: 50 yards
Manufacturer: Desert Essence
Product #: D50229
Quantity: .15 oz
Manufacturer: Desert Essence
Product #: D20932
Quantity: 4 fl oz
Manufacturer: NOW
Product #: N8067
Quantity: 2.2 oz
Manufacturer: Heritage
Product #: H46094
Quantity: 4 fl oz
Manufacturer: Weleda Body Care
Product #: W88435
Quantity: 200 ml
Manufacturer: Metabolic Maintenance
Product #: CFOAM
Quantity: 8 oz
Dr. Shasta's Personal Lubricant Protocol::
You can use all or just pick a few of these. Always consult with a healthcare professional before the use of any herbs or supplements.Purchase This Protocol Now
Manufacturer: Good Clean Love
Product #: G00604
Quantity: 4 oz
Dr. Shasta's Household and Laundry Detergent Protocol:
Household and laundry detergent natural cleaners : Its important to get rid of all toxic household and laundry detergent products to help your hormones. Purchase This Protocol Now
Manufacturer: Dr. Mercola
Product #: DM5486
Quantity: 24 pcs
Manufacturer: Dr. Mercola
Product #: M18449
Quantity: 32 fl oz
Manufacturer: Dr. Mercola
Product #: DM8432
Quantity: 32 fl oz
Manufacturer: Dr. Mercola
Product #: DM5479
Quantity: 24 pcs
Dr. Shasta's 21 Day Whole Detox Protocol:
Please see my recommendations for the 21-day detox. These supplements are intended to assist your body with the detoxification process by providing fibers and plant-based actives to bind toxins, enabling them to be excreted, as well as micronutrients and phytonutrients to aid in optimal antioxidant regeneration and defense. Best if done with a modified elimination diet cutting out known food sensitivities such a gluten, dairy, soy, refined foods and chemicals and instead eating a whole food, organic Mediterranean Style Zone friendly diet (40/30/30). Purchase This Protocol Now
Manufacturer: Metagenics
Product #: M47772CA
Quantity: 29 servings
Manufacturer: Amazing Grass
Product #: A00784
Quantity: 8.5 oz (30 serv)
Manufacturer: Nutrex Hawaii
Product #: NX1004
Quantity: 400 tabs
Manufacturer: Himalaya USA
Product #: H41801
Quantity: 60 Caps
Dr. Shasta's Additional Recommendations:
Manufacturer: Standard Process
Product #: M1360
Quantity: 40 tabs
Manufacturer: Standard Process
Product #: M1365
Quantity: 120 tabs
Manufacturer: Garden of Life
Product #: M1867
Quantity: 22 oz
Manufacturer: Garden of Life
Product #: M1866
Quantity: 28 servings
Dr. Shasta's 4 Digestive Support Protocol:
TWO Gastrointestinal Products AND Natural Vitality Calm Magnesium Citrate Supplement AND Probiotic Pearls:
Use all products as directed on the bottle. Dr. Shasta suggest stopping acidic, greasy, highly processed and GMO foods (and perhaps gluten, dairy – except eggs if tolerated – sugar, and soy) and eating a whole, real warm and cooked meals may help regulate the Digestive Fire and Regulate the Stomach Qi.
These products are Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Non-GMO, and Vegan. Always consult with healthcare providers before use and use as directed on the bottle.
Manufacturer: TCMzone, LLC
Product #: T34238
Quantity: 90 vegcaps
Manufacturer: TCMzone, LLC
Product #: T34245
Quantity: 90 vegcaps
Manufacturer: Natural Vitality
Product #: NV0100
Quantity: 8 oz
Manufacturer: Integrative Therapeutics
Product #: PR123
Quantity: 90 caps
Mediterranean Diet and Basic Anti inflammatory Health Supplements:
Purchase This Protocol Now
Manufacturer: Standard Process
Quantity: 60 Packs
Recommended Serving Size: 1 packet twice per day
General Health Daily Fundamentals provide convenient foundational maintenance support to help patients maintain optimal health.*
Manufacturer: Standard Process
Quantity: 180 Softgels
Recommended Serving Size: 3 softgels once per day
Cod Liver Oil helps bridge the gap in dietary omega-3 intake and addresses vitamin A and D deficiency. The convenient softgels have a natural lemon flavor and are rigorously tested to be below regulatory standards for contaminates and toxins.
Manufacturer: MediHerb
Quantity: 60 Tablets
Recommended Serving Size: 1 tablet twice per day
Turmeric Forte contains a bioavailable form of Turmeric rhizome and Fenugreek seed to support a healthy inflammatory response.
Dr. Shasta's Thyroid Balancing Hormone Protocol:
Dr. Shasta's Thyroid Balancing Hormone Protocol: The thyroid can be impacted by stress, enviormental toxins and nutritional deficiency. It is important to take a mind, body holistic approach when working with balancing your thyroid. Qiyoga for stress or Qiyoga for hypothyroidism are good at home self care programs, or doing mediation, yoga, tai chi, walking in the sun daily and adequate rest and sleep. It is important to eliminate xenoestrogens and organochlorides as well as incorporate a zone friendly organic Mediterranean style diet.
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Manufacturer: Host Defense
Quantity: 30 Capsules
Recommended Serving Size: 2 capsules once per day
Paul Stamets designed this blend of seven mushroom species to support general immunity.*Many use Stamets 7® as a functional food multiple for maintaining peak performance and health.*
Host Defense® Stamets 7® uses activated, freeze-dried, Certified Organic mycelium, with a full spectrum of constituents: polysaccharides (beta glucans, arabinoxylane, glucose, xylose, galactose and cordycepic acid), glycoproteins, ergosterols, triterpenoids and other myco-nutrients, which are essential for Supporting Natural Immunity.*
Manufacturer: Nordic Naturals
Quantity: 180 Softgels
Recommended Serving Size: 3 gels once per day (Take with a meal)
Nordic Naturals has always used 100% Arctic cod livers in our cod liver oil (CLO) formulas—no fish body oils or synthetic additives are ever used. Arctic cod (Skrei) has the highest DHA, vitamin A, and vitamin D content of any cod species. Each serving provides approximately 600 mg of the essential omega-3 fatty acids, EPA and DHA, fulfilling the expert recommendation of a minimum of 500 mg per day.
Manufacturer: Pure Encapsulations
Quantity: 60 Capsules
Recommended Serving Size: 1 capsule once per day (with or between meals)
The Ashwagandha Pure Encapsulations supplement is best known to help counteract the effects of occasional physical and mental stress, as well as support cognition and memory function. Ashwagandha is an herb that belongs to the pepper family and has and has been used extensively over 4, 000 years for use in promoting overall health and longevity.*
Ashwagandha, Withania somnifera, is an adaptogenic herb that belongs to the pepper family. It has an extensive, 4, 000-year history of traditional use and is one of the most revered and widely used Ayurvedic herbs. Ashwagandha is believed to increase energy and overall health and longevity. Withanolides are key constituents of this herb and play an important role in ashwagandhas overall ability to promote physical and mental health. In animal studies, ashwagandha has been shown to support the activity of lymphocytes and macrophages, moderate occasional stress, enhance memory and cognitive function, provide neuroprotection by scavenging free radicals, and support thyroid function. A small human clinical trial demonstrated the ability of ashwagandha to support healthy glucose and lipid metabolism. In a double blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial involving 42 volunteers, a formulation including ashwagandha indicated its potential to help promote joint comfort, which may involve modulation of cyclooxygenase enzyme activity. Traditional uses for ashwagandha included support for healthy male sexual function. Ashwagandha should be avoided by pregnant women and by individuals allergic to plants in the nightshade family.
Manufacturer: Gaia Herbs/Professional Solutions
Quantity: 60 Capsules
Recommended Serving Size: 2 capsules twice per day (with a small amount of water after meals)
Maintaining a healthy stress response is necessary for overall health and wellbeing. Supporting the systems that aid the body in reacting and normalizing as stress occurs is critical in maintaining a healthy response to stress. HPA Axis Daytime Maintenance provides nourishment to the adrenals, with a unique combination of pure and potent extracts.*
Dr. Shasta's Support Healthy Weight Loss Protocol:
Dr. Shasta's Supplement Protocol Weight Healthy Weight Loss: This protocol will help in your efforts to support healthier blood sugar regulation. In addition it is recommended to follow a low carb diet along with the other nine essentials. The nine essentials of diabetes was developed by Dr. Mona (LDCA) is a non-profit that educates people about using comprehensive integrative medicine to prevent and successfully treat all types of diabetes. Look for Dr. Morstein's book: " Master Your Diabetes: A Comprehensive, Integrative Approach for both type 1 and type 2 Diabetes" to learn more about managing your blood sugar. We also recommend getting the book " A Week in the Zone" and follow a Mediterranean "zone free" organic diet.
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Manufacturer: Vital Nutrients
Quantity: 60 Capsules
Recommended Serving Size: 1-2 capsule twice per day
Coleus Forskohlii is an Ayurvedic herb from India.* Forskolin has been identified as the primary diterpenoid of interest in this plant.* Forskolin activates an enzyme known as adenylate cyclase, which increases levels of cyclic AMP, the most important cell-regulating compound in the body.* An increased level of cAMP promotes relaxed smooth muscles in the body, maintaining cardiovascular and lung function.* It supports fat breakdown, healthy metabolic function and helps maintain blood sugar levels that are already within the normal range.*
Dr. Shasta's Ovarian Syndrome Protocol:
Dr. Shasta's Ovarian Syndrome Protocol: Please see the attached handout, which further explains poly cystic ovarian syndrome and the lifestyle recommendations I have for you, the supplement protocol is also summarized.
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Manufacturer: Vital Nutrients
Quantity: 90 Capsules
Recommended Serving Size: 1-2 capsule twice per day
Triple Magnesium combines Magnesium Oxide, Citrate and Glycinate. Magnesium activates enzymes that are essential in many functions of the body.* It is also essential for the metabolism of fat, carbohydrates and amino acids.* It supports healthy teeth and maintains bone density.* Magnesium helps maintain blood pressure levels that are already in the normal range.* It also helps to maintain normal mood and emotional well-being premenstrually, and during the menstrual cycle.*
Manufacturer: Vital Nutrients
Quantity: 100 Capsules
Recommended Serving Size: 1-2 capsule twice per day
N-Acetyl Cysteine maintains the proper functioning of the lungs and supports the immune system and liver function.* NAC is also a powerful antioxidant.* It maintains and supports normal physiologic levels of mucus in the sinus and respiratory system of healthy individuals.* NAC increases levels of glutathione in the body and maintains healthy lung and liver function.*
Manufacturer: Ortho Molecular Products
Quantity: 51 Grams
Recommended Serving Size: 1 scoop once per day
Ortho Biotic includes a carefully assembled cast of probiotic organisms to support microflora balance and maintain a healthy environment for vitamin uptake and optimal immune function.*
Add one scoop (1.7 grams) to a glass of water or the beverage of your choice, stir and drink, or as recommended by your health care professional.
Manufacturer: Nordic Naturals
Quantity: 60 Softgels
Recommended Serving Size: 2 gels once per day
With nearly double the omega-3s as our best-selling ProOmega, ProOmega® 2000 features a breakthrough omega-3 oil. Ultra-concentrated EPA+DHA in the highly absorbable, triglyceride molecular form. In a slightly larger soft gel, this powerful concentrate is ideal for patients’ requiring the highest levels EPA+DHA.
Manufacturer: Douglas Labs
Quantity: 60 Tablets
Recommended Serving Size: 1 tablet once per day
Methyl Folate provides 1,000 mcg of Metafolin®, a patented form of (6S) 5-methyltetrahydrofolate (5-MTHF). 5-MTHF is the naturally occurring, predominant form of folate commonly found in cells and is essential for overall health, as it participates as a cofactor in a reaction that involves the remethylation of homocysteine to methionine. Metafolin® is directly usable by the body and has been shown to be the only form of folate to cross the blood-brain barrier.‡
Manufacturer: Protocol for Life Balance
Quantity: 1 Pound
Recommended Serving Size: 1-2 teaspoon twice per day
Inositol is a necessary component of all cellular membranes.* It is a member of the B-Vitamin family that contributes to muscular and nerve function, and participates in the metabolism of fats in the liver.* Myo-Inositol is the most abundant form of this nutrient, with its highest concentrations being found in the brain and central nervous system.* Myo-Inositol in particular is a versatile nutrient for the promotion of emotional and mental wellness, healthy eating patterns, and restful sleep through its critical role in neurotransmitter messaging systems.* In addition, it is an important nutritional element for the maintenance of ovarian health and normal blood sugar maintenance, especially in women.*
Manufacturer: Klaire Labs
Quantity: 60 capsules
Recommended Serving Size: 1 capsule twice per day (with food)
This stereoisomer of inositol is a critical second messenger mediating cellular responses to insulin. Embedded in cell membranes, D-chiro-inositol is part of a glycosyl phosphatidylinositol complex that is hydrolyzed into two bioactive molecules upon exposure to insulin. These molecules regulate glucose disposal by activating pathways in which glucose is either converted to glycogen for storage or oxidatively metabolized to produce energy.† Studies show D-chiro-inositol is involved in proper insulin and glucose metabolism and may have a role in maintaining normal lipid profiles, cardiovascular function, and ovarian function.† It may also help regulate inflammatory stress and modulate serotonin activity.† Derived from carob pods, D-Chiro-Inositol is recommended to support normal insulin function and blood sugar metabolism.†
Dr. Shasta's PMS Balancing Protocol:
Dr. Shasta's PMS Balancing Protocol: Decreasing xenoestrogen and organochlorides along with increasing stress reduction is important to balance PMS. Extra B6 has been shown to clinically help decrease symptoms, along with addition of chasteberry extract, magnesium and black current seed oil. Fem-Rebel helps nourish the HPA axis in addition to the reproductive system, to help bring the endocrine system into balance, and may be discontinued once symptoms sub site (usually within months). At that point, chasteberry can be continued at 2 capsules per day indefinitely. It is important to eat a "zone friendly" Mediterranean, organic, blood sugar balancing diet with high fiber and slow burning carbohydrates to adequetly nourish and balance the blood and endocrine glands. Daily walks in the sun, meditation and yoga are all helpful as well. You can follow Qiyoga for Stress by Dr. Shasta.
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Manufacturer: Vital Nutrients
Quantity: 100 Capsules
Recommended Serving Size: 1-2 gel three times per day
Black Currant Seed Oil contains high amounts of the essential fat Gamma Linolenic Acid (GLA), an Omega 6 fatty acid that is essential for metabolism, but cannot be produced in the body.* GLA supports cartilage and joint function, dilates smooth muscle, maintains healthy nerve function and helps maintain cholesterol levels that are already within the normal range.*
Manufacturer: Innate Response
Quantity: 180 Tablets
Recommended Serving Size: 1 tablet once per day
Manufacturer: Metagenics
Quantity: 60 Tablets
Recommended Serving Size: 3 tablets once per day (Take at bedtime)
MyoCalm® Plus is an exceptional blend of bioavailable minerals and specialized herbs that is designed to provide comprehensive support for neuromuscular relaxation. The components of this formula work in concert to provide enhanced support for healthy muscle relaxation.*
Manufacturer: Nutritional Fundamentals for Health
Quantity: 60 Softgels
Recommended Serving Size: 1 gel twice per day
Trident SAP 66:33 Lemon Flavor is a fish oil of exceptional purity, standardized to the highest concentration. Each softgel provides 990 mg of EPA and DHA in a 2:1 ratio. Omega-3 EPA and DHA support cardiovascular health by promoting healthy triglyceride levels; support joint tissue health by promoting the resolution of inflammation; and support optimal cognitive health and brain function.* Trident SAP 66:33? Lemon Flavor is molecularly distilled, contains vitamin E as an antioxidant, and is hermetically sealed to be secure against entry of oxygen, ensuring maximum purity, freshness and stability of the oil through to expiration. Third-party test results guarantee Trident SAP 66:33? Lemon Flavor is free of heavy metals, PCBs, pesticides, volatile organics, and other impurities. All ingredients listed for this product lot # have been validated by a third-party laboratory for identity, potency, and purity.
Manufacturer: Pure Encapsulations
Quantity: 60 Capsules
Recommended Serving Size: 1 tablet once per day
Chaste tree extract, also known as Vitex, contains flavonoids, iridoid glycosides, and terpenoids. It has been associated with supporting breast comfort and positive mood during the menstrual cycle, as suggested by numerous randomized, double blind, placebo-controlled trials. It has also been associated with promoting healthy menstrual luteal phase length and menstrual regularity for some women, helping to maintain healthy reproductive system function.
Manufacturer: Vitanica
Quantity: 60 capsules
Recommended Serving Size: 2 capsules once per day
FemRebalance is designed to promote a woman’s normal hormone profile. There are many reasons the endocrine system becomes disrupted and this formula offers support to ‘reset’ hormone levels. *
Dr. Shasta's Hormone Balancing Protocol:
Dr. Shasta's Hormone Balancing Protocol: To balance your endocrine hormones, you must balance your blood sugar and reduce any excess androgenic hormones (like testosterone). Maintaining a balance blood sugar is the most important thing to establishing hormonal health and i recommend a zone friendly Mediterranean style, organic diet (read the book A Week in the Zone). You may also do a modified elimination diet of of elimination known food allergies such as gluten, dairy, soy, and sugar for three weeks, then bring them each back one at a time for four days while keeping a food journal. Notate any symptoms that may be indicative of a food intolerance or allergy. I also recommend putting ground flax seed or chia seeds on your food and incorporating cinnamon and turmeric into your diet. You should be excising 30 to 60 minuets a day getting adequate sleep. Also eliminate personal care products that have xenoestrogens, Organochlorides and synthetic fragrances.
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Manufacturer: Garden of Life
Quantity: 484 Grams
Recommended Serving Size: 1-2 scoop once per day (with 8-16 of water)
Raw Organic Meal is a delicious organic MEAL-ON-THE-GO packed with incredible nutrition to help you satisfy hunger, manage weight and feel great! Raw Organic Meal uniquely combines the goodness of multiple Garden of Life products in one complete raw organic meal replacement. Basically, it has the nutrition of seven products in one container! Raw Organic Meal delivers 20 grams of clean protein per scoop from 13 raw sprouted ingredients, along with greens, healthy fat, 5g fiber, probiotics, enzymes, plus 21 vitamins and minerals.
Why RAW Organic Meal:
You have a busy, on-the-go life and lifestyle, but you still want to eat healthy, so fast food is just not an option for you. That’s why there’s Raw Organic Meal - convenient, organic shake and meal replacement that’s packed with 44 superfoods that not only satisfies your hunger, but also is naturally filling while boosting energy, and provides you with the protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals you would find in a healthy shake or meal of raw foods. A one-scoop serving delivers 20 grams of clean Certified USDA Organic and Non-GMO Project Verified protein, while two scoops pack a whopping 40 grams of clean organic protein—all from 13 organic sprouted grains and seeds. RAW Organic Meal also includes fruits and vegetables, greens juices, has live probiotics and enzymes as well as 21 whole food vitamins and minerals. Just as important is what’s not in RAW Organic Meal. It has no gluten, soy, dairy, tree nuts, filler ingredients, artificial colors, flavors, sweeteners or preservatives. And it’s RAW—since heat and processing can denature proteins.
Manufacturer: Vitanica
Quantity: 60 capsules
Recommended Serving Size: 2 capsules once per day
FemRebalance is designed to promote a woman’s normal hormone profile. There are many reasons the endocrine system becomes disrupted and this formula offers support to ‘reset’ hormone levels. *
Manufacturer: Pure Encapsulations
Quantity: 90 capsules
Recommended Serving Size: 3 capsules once per day
Trident SAP 66:33 Lemon Flavor is a fish oil of exceptional purity, standardized to the highest concentration. Each softgel provides 990 mg of EPA and DHA in a 2:1 ratio. Omega-3 EPA and DHA support cardiovascular health by promoting healthy triglyceride levels; support joint tissue health by promoting the resolution of inflammation; and support optimal cognitive health and brain function.* Trident SAP 66:33? Lemon Flavor is molecularly distilled, contains vitamin E as an antioxidant, and is hermetically sealed to be secure against entry of oxygen, ensuring maximum purity, freshness and stability of the oil through to expiration. Third-party test results guarantee Trident SAP 66:33? Lemon Flavor is free of heavy metals, PCBs, pesticides, volatile organics, and other impurities. All ingredients listed for this product lot # have been validated by a third-party laboratory for identity, potency, and purity.
Manufacturer: Pure Encapsulations
Quantity: 60 capsules
Recommended Serving Size: 1-2 capsule twice per day
Manufacturer: Vital Nutrients
Quantity: 8 Ounces
Recommended Serving Size: 1 teaspoon four times per day
Inositol is a compound found in a wide range of tissues, with higher concentrations in the heart and brain. Inositol may be used to help support and maintain positive mood.* It helps reduce daily stress and occasional anxiety.* Inositol may be beneficial in the transport of cholesterol out of the liver to help maintain already normal-range cholesterol levels.* The powder readily dissolves in water and has a slightly sweet taste.*
Manufacturer: Amazing Grass
Quantity: 8.5 Ounces
Recommended Serving Size: 1 scoop once per day
A Confluence Of Algaes, Cereal Grasses, Sea Vegetables & Other Functional Foods
On Amazing Grasss family run farm in the middle of Kansas they’ve devoted hundreds of acres to growing the most nutrient dense cereal grasses on the face of the Earth. Building on this foundation, we’ve added some of the most functional food sources available from land, fresh water and the sea. A blend of AFA’s, spirulina, chlorella and sea vegetables from the coast of Maine, like kelp and sea lettuce. Offering an array of free radical fighting plants and herbs, each ingredient in Raw Reserve is completely raw, vegan and of the highest quality. Plus, each serving contains over 25 billion live probiotics at the time of bottling. Nothing short of Amazing, Raw Reserve is our testament to the incredible power of nutrition.
Manufacturer: Nordic Naturals
Quantity: 180 Softgels
Recommended Serving Size: 3 gels once per day (Take with a meal)
Nordic Naturals has always used 100% Arctic cod livers in our cod liver oil (CLO) formulas—no fish body oils or synthetic additives are ever used. Arctic cod (Skrei) has the highest DHA, vitamin A, and vitamin D content of any cod species. Each serving provides approximately 600 mg of the essential omega-3 fatty acids, EPA and DHA, fulfilling the expert recommendation of a minimum of 500 mg per day.
Dr. Shasta's Protocol for Women With PMS:
Dr. Shasta's Protocol for Women With PMS: Complete nutrient foundation for women. Extra B6 has been shown clinically to help decrease symptoms, to help bring the endocrine system into balance, and may be discontinued once symptoms subside (usually within 3 months). At that point, chasteberry can be continued at 2 capsules per day indefinable. We recommend eating a "zone friendly" Mediterranean diet, an organic diet. We also suggest reading the book " A Week in the Zone. "
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Manufacturer: Garden of Life
Quantity: 120 Capsules
In developing Vitamin Code Womens Formula, Garden of Life paid special attention to the complex functions of a womans body. Providing select nutrients to support breast health with added vitamins D and E, the reproductive system with folate, calcium, magnesium and zinc, bone strength with appropriate amounts of vitamins A, C, D3, calcium, magnesium and zinc, Vitamin Code Womens Formula is the ultimate formulation for women.
Vitamin Code Womens Formula is a comprehensive multivitamin with RAW Food-Created Nutrients offering an extreme synergistic blend of vitamins and minerals for extraordinary health and vitality. This specialized formula for women addresses the nutritional needs to support the following areas:
Manufacturer: Pure Encapsulations
Quantity: 60 capsules
Recommended Serving Size: 3 capsules once per day
Chaste tree extract, also known as Vitex, contains flavonoids, iridoid glycosides, and terpenoids. It has been associated with supporting breast comfort and positive mood during the menstrual cycle, as suggested by numerous randomized, double blind, placebo-controlled trials. It has also been associated with promoting healthy menstrual luteal phase length and menstrual regularity for some women, helping to maintain healthy reproductive system function.
Manufacturer: Vitanica
Quantity: 60 capsules
Recommended Serving Size: 2 capsules once per day
FemRebalance is designed to promote a woman’s normal hormone profile. There are many reasons the endocrine system becomes disrupted and this formula offers support to ‘reset’ hormone levels. *
Manufacturer: Nutritional Fundamentals for Health
Quantity: 60 Softgels
Recommended Serving Size: 1 gel twice per day
Trident SAP 66:33 Lemon Flavor is a fish oil of exceptional purity, standardized to the highest concentration. Each softgel provides 990 mg of EPA and DHA in a 2:1 ratio. Omega-3 EPA and DHA support cardiovascular health by promoting healthy triglyceride levels; support joint tissue health by promoting the resolution of inflammation; and support optimal cognitive health and brain function.* Trident SAP 66:33? Lemon Flavor is molecularly distilled, contains vitamin E as an antioxidant, and is hermetically sealed to be secure against entry of oxygen, ensuring maximum purity, freshness and stability of the oil through to expiration. Third-party test results guarantee Trident SAP 66:33? Lemon Flavor is free of heavy metals, PCBs, pesticides, volatile organics, and other impurities. All ingredients listed for this product lot # have been validated by a third-party laboratory for identity, potency, and purity.
Manufacturer: EuroMedica
Quantity: 60 Capsules
Recommended Serving Size: 1 teaspoon four times per day
Active B Complex supplies vitamin B6, folate and B12 in their biologically preferred forms for enhanced utilization in the body. These B vitamins are essential for optimal health, particularly:
Dr. Shasta's Healthier Cervix Protocol:
Dr. Shasta's Healthier Cervix Protocol: These nutrients and botanical show positive clinical research outcomes supporting cervical health and provide oral immune support for a healthy cervix. Consult your physician if you have any concerns about your cervical health as tropical treatment which may be required are not included in this protocol.
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Manufacturer: Designs for Health
Quantity: 120 Capsules
Recommended Serving Size: 3 capsules once per day
Immunitone Plus™ is a comprehensive, synergistic formula that combines herbs, mushroom extracts and other natural compounds to help the body maintain a normal immune system response.*
Some of its significant botanicals include echinacea, astragalus, elderberry and green tea that is standardized to a very high level of its key active component epigallocatechin gallate (EGCg). In addition, Immunitone Plus™ includes an impressive combination of the immune supportive mushrooms cordyceps, shiitake, maitake and reishi.*
Manufacturer: DaVinci Labs
Quantity: 60 capsules
Recommended Serving Size: 1 capsule twice per day
Green Tea-70 is standardized to contain 70% or 350 mg of EGCG per 500 mg capsule.
Manufacturer: Mushroom Wisdom
Quantity: 120 capsules
Recommended Serving Size: 4 capsules once per day
Maitake D-Fraction®, a proprietary extract of the Maitake mushroom, is one of natures most effective immune system supporting constituents.* These capsules contain a synergistic blend of this unique protein-bound Beta 1, 3/1, 6 glucan that research has shown to support healthy immune function with the whole Maitake fruiting body.*
Mushroom Wisdom, with over 25 years of mushroom expertise, is committed to offering you the finest and most effective supplements, manufacturing them in a cGMP facility.
Manufacturer: Nutritional Fundamentals for Health
Quantity: 60 Softgels
Recommended Serving Size: 1 capsule three times per day
Coriolus Versicolor SAP is a hot water-extracted medicinal mushroom that helps support healthy immune function and is a source of antioxidants. Coriolus versicolor is one of the most extensively researched of all the medicinal mushrooms. Two of the extracts within Coriolus versicolor are PSK and PSP, both of which have clinical trials on a variety of cancers including gastric/colorectal, lung, and breast cancers, with favorable results. Coriolus has also demonstrated immune activation on patients with chronic fatigue syndrome with improvements in NK-cell activity.
Manufacturer: Carlson Labs
Quantity: 180 Softgels
Recommended Serving Size: 2 gels once per day
ACES + Zn® provides all of the nutrients in the original ACES® formula, plus the mineral zinc. Selenium and vitamins A, C, and E are powerful antioxidants that help protect our bodies from free radical damage. Zinc supports immune system health and is an important component of one of the body's most powerful antioxidant enzymes, superoxide dismutase (SOD). SOD repairs cells and reduces the damage done to them by superoxide, the most common free radical in the body. Get four antioxidants plus zinc all in one soft gel.
Manufacturer: Metabolic Maintenance
Quantity: 90 capsules
Recommended Serving Size: 1 capsule three times per day
Folic acid, the most common form of folate in supplements and fortified foods, requires the enzyme methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) to be converted to L-methylfolate, the activated form of folate used by the body for many biochemical reactions. About half of the population have genetic variations that reduce the ability of the MTHFR enzyme to make this conversion. For this population, L-methylfolate supplementation is far more effective in providing this form of folate.
Manufacturer: Metagenics
Quantity: 60 tablets
Recommended Serving Size: 1-2 tablet once per day (with meals)
PhytoMulti® takes you beyond basic wellness support. It has a proprietary blend of 13 concentrated extracts and phytonutrients with scientifically tested biological activity to support cellular health and overall wellness.*
Dr. Shasta's Endometriosis Protocol:
Dr. Shasta's Endometriosis Protocol: This protocol is supportive for those with endometriosis. Best utilized along with an anti-inflammatory diet, and lifestyle reduction of exogenous estrogens. Avoid all plastic ware, by using only glass, stainless steal, and ceramic ware for cooking and food and beverage service and avoiding food/beverage in plastic bottle and containers. Reduce exposure to endocrine altering chemicals by converting all hair, skin, and body care to all natural alternatives, and using only non-toxic, non-fragrance environmentally friendly household cleanser, dish and laundry detergents. Convert to organic cotton bed linens. Invest in water filtration. Internal in water filtration. Internal detoxification protocols can be helpful, with an ongoing focus on reducing chemical toxin exposure in all environments.
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Manufacturer: Pure Encapsulations
Quantity: 90 Capsules
Recommended Serving Size: 3 capsules once per day (Take in divided doses, between meals)
N-Acetyl-l-Cysteine (NAC) is a cellular antioxidant support that specifically promotes healthy lung tissue. N-Acetyl-l-Cysteine (NAC) is a free radical scavenger that supports glutathione levels in tissues.*
* N-Acetyl-l-Cysteine (NAC) is a derivative of the dietary amino acid l-cysteine. NAC has a high affinity for lung tissue, which it supports through mucolytic and antioxidant action. By disrupting disulfide bonds, NAC thins mucus. It is a powerful free radical scavenger and thus supports the bodys natural defense system. NAC supports tissue levels of glutathione, a key component of the antioxidant defense system. It also has the ability to help chelate heavy metals.
*NAC provides powerful nutritional support to cells as an antioxidant and specifically supports healthy lung functioning through its mucolytic capability.
Dr. Shasta's Digestion Support Protocol:
Dr. Shasta's Digestion Support Protocol: These are my supplement recommendations to better and digestion problem you may have.
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Manufacturer: Ancient Nutrition
Quantity: 60 capsules
Recommended Serving Size: 2 capsules per day
Manufacturer: TCMCeuticals
Quantity: 90 Capsules
Recommended Serving Size: 3 capsules three times per day
Dr. Shasta's Constipation Support Protocol:
Dr. Shasta's Constipation Support Protocol: Constipation is often a result of constipation! drink at least 2 liters of fluid each day, and more if possible. This recommend pro biotin is high in bifidobacteria, specific for improving bowel regularity. Dietary recommendations: Have 1 organic apple daily as a snack. Have 1 large raw mixed salad each day. Consume both fresh and cooked vegetables at each meal to maintain healthy bowel function. Addition to fiber supplement is optional, but may be needed for some individuals with dietary fiber. We also highly recommend eating a "zone friendly" Mediterranean diet, an organic diet, we suggest reading the book "A Week in the Zone."
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Manufacturer: Ancient Nutrition
Quantity: 454 Grams
Recommended Serving Size: 1 scoop once per day
If you’re looking to boost your collagen intake, Multi Collagen Protein powder could be just what you’re looking for. Most collagens on the market feature only one source of collagen, but Multi Collagen Protein features five collagen types from four different sources!
Multi Collagen Protein includes hydrolyzed bovine collagen peptides, chicken bone broth collagen concentrate, hydrolyzed fish collagen peptides and eggshell me. Adults take one heaping scoop or stick pack mixed in 8 ounces of water, juice, coffee, tea or your favorite recipe.
Manufacturer: Ancient Nutrition
Quantity: 60 capsules
Recommended Serving Size: 2 capsules per day
Manufacturer: Metagenics
Quantity: 304 Grams
Recommended Serving Size: 1 Level Scoop (8g)
MetaFiber® is a blend of oat hull and apple fiber, providing 6 grams of dietary fiber per serving. This low-allergy-potential fiber blend is designed to support healthy intestinal transit time and bowel regularity, and offers support for those with occasional constipation.* MetaFiber is great for those who are sensitive to psyllium, wheat, corn, or citrus.
Blend, shake, or briskly stir about 1 level scoop (8 grams) of MetaFiber into 8 fluid ounces of juice or other beverage as directed by your healthcare professional.
Manufacturer: Vitanica
Quantity: 90 capsules
Recommended Serving Size: 1-2 capsule three times per day
Colon Motility Blend™ is a gentle and natural approach supporting the digestion and elimination pathway.
Manufacturer: NOW Foods
Quantity: 100 tablets
Recommended Serving Size: Take 2 tablets daily with food
Magnesium is a mineral that is critical for energy production and metabolism, muscle contraction, nerve impulse transmission, and bone mineralization.* It is a required cofactor for an estimated 300 enzymes.* Among the reactions catalyzed by these enzymes are fatty acid synthesis, protein synthesis, and glucose metabolism.* Magnesium status is also important for regulation of calcium balance through its effects on the parathyroid gland.*
Manufacturer: TCMCeuticals
Quantity: 90 Capsules
Recommended Serving Size: 3 capsules three times per day
Dr. Shasta's Gender-Neutral Clean and Natural Personal Care Protocol:
Dr. Shasta's Gender-Neutral Clean and Natural Personal Care Protocol: Gender Neutral and natural personal care options that fit everyone's budget. Lavender essential oil is a natural antibacterial deodorizer, and useful in soap, boy was, and deodorant. Fragrance free options as available, but all products have multiple fragrance choices. created for you by the Emerson medical team.
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Manufacturer: Designs for Health
Quantity: 113 Grams
Featuring Dental-Lac™, a patent pending functional lactobacillus dental hygiene probiotic not found in any other toothpaste product. Research on Dental-Lac™, a specific Lactobacillus paracasei strain, has shown that it competes with unhealthy strains of oral bacteria including streptococcus mutans, thereby helping to maintain healthy teeth and gums. Like probiotics in the human intestinal tract, beneficial flora in the mouth are critical to maintaining dental and oral health.
PerioBiotic™ toothpaste also contains xylitol and calcium glycerophosphate, two active ingredients that have been shown in research to promote dental and oral health via their cavity-fighting abilities.*
Dr. Shasta's 21 day whole Detox Protocol:
Dr. Shasta's 21 day whole Detox Protocol: Please see my recommendations for the 21-day detox. These supplements are intended to assist your body with the detoxification process by providing fibers and plant-based actives to bind toxins,enabling to be excreted, as well as micro-nutrients and phyto-nutrients to aid in optimal antioxidant regeneration and defense.
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Manufacturer: Sun Chlorella USA
Quantity: 120 tablets
Recommended Serving Size: 6 tablets once per day (with a meal all at once, or divided doses)
For over 40 years, our commitment to quality and purity has secured Sun Chlorella as a worldwide industry leader of chlorella. Sun Chlorella uses the nutritionally superior species of Chlorella pyrenoidosa and our patented pulverization process utilizing the DYNO(r)-Mill machine. This exclusive process of breaking down chlorella's tough outer cell wall ensures maximum bioavailability, digestion and assimilation of Sun Chlorella 'A' nutrients.
Sun Chlorella ''A' is the only chlorella to contain a 95% pulverized cell wall without using heat or chemicals. Join millions of health conscious individuals and take Sun Chlorella 'A' every day!
Manufacturer: Metagenics
Quantity: 756 Grams
Recommended Serving Size: 2 Scoops twice per day
UltraClear® RENEW is formulated to deliver advanced, specialized nutritional support for Phase I, II, and III detoxification, with enhanced support for the body’s natural alkalinization and heavy metal metabolism processes. Formulated in a base of 14.5 g OptiProtein®—12 g of proprietary, vegan pea/rice protein and 2.5 g of added amino acids—this novel formula features xanthohumol as XNT ProMatrix®, broccoli sprout and floret powder as Brassinase™, and prune and pomegranate extracts to promote healthy cellular activities. UltraClear RENEW also features glycine and magnesium sulfate to support Phase II detoxification activities, along with N-acetyl-L-cysteine, green tea catechins, and beta-carotene and vitamins C and E to provide antioxidant support.*
Suggested Use:
Shake canister before scooping. Blend, shake or briskly stir about 2 level scoops (36 grams) of UltraClear RENEW into 8 fluid ounces of chilled water or juice twice daily or as directed by your healthcare practitioner. For highly sensitive individuals, consider reducing consumption to 1/2 to 1 scoop with 4-5 ounces of chilled water or juice twice daily during the first 3-4 days before starting a full daily dose.
Manufacturer: Pure Encapsulations
Quantity: 345.6 Grams
Recommended Serving Size: 1 scoop four times per day
PureLean® Fiber is a blend of insoluble and soluble fibers to support digestive health, nutrient absorption and regularity. PureLean® Fiber also promotes healthy glycemic response and overall weight management when combined with a reduced calorie diet and regular exercise.*
Manufacturer: Vital Nutrients
Quantity: 120 capsules
Recommended Serving Size: 1-2 capsule three times per day
Vitamin C (100% pure ascorbic acid) helps the body’s immune system by supporting antibody responses, white blood cell function and activity, and helps maintain normal interferon levels.* It is one of the most potent dietary antioxidants and provides nutritional support to all functions of the body.* Vitamin C supports iron absorption from the gastrointestinal tract and is an important component of collagen synthesis.* Vitamin C assists in tissue formation.* It comes in easy-to-digest vegetarian capsules.*
Manufacturer: Metagenics
Quantity: 300 Grams
Recommended Serving Size: 1 scoop twice per day
Designed to Support Intestinal Health and Immune Function*
Every day, 76% of Americans do not meet the recommended intake of fruit, while 87% fall below that for veggies. But eating your fruits and veggies just got easier!
A whole lot more than just superfoods!
PhytoGanix® features 20+ whole foods in each serving, including: organic fruits, organic vegetables, organic flax seed, organic chia, organic quinoa sprouts, herbs, plant enzymes, prebiotics, and probiotics
†Not intended to replace your daily intake of fruits and vegetables.
Respiratory Care:
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Manufacturer: Designs for Health
Quantity: 4 Ounces
Recommended Serving Size: 6 sprays once per day
Silvercillin™ is a highly effective antimicrobial preparation composed of pure silver complexed with purified water. Silvercillin™ uses Silver Sol Technology®, the term “sol” being a designation of a mineral permanently distributed into the structure of water. The silver becomes a part of that water molecule permanently so it will not fall out of solution or suspension.
Silvercillin™ contains 15 ppm of purified silver per serving. This is an incredibly powerful, non-toxic form of silver, with zero build-up in the body, so it does not cause argyria (blue man syndrome).
Made with non-GMO ingredients.
Manufacturer: Vital Nutrients
Quantity: 220 capsules
Recommended Serving Size: 1 capsule once per day, for 2 weeks
Vitamin C (100% pure ascorbic acid) helps the body’s immune system by supporting antibody responses, white blood cell function and activity, and helps maintain normal interferon levels.* It is one of the most potent dietary antioxidants and provides nutritional support to all functions of the body.* Vitamin C supports iron absorption from the gastrointestinal tract and is an important component of collagen synthesis.* Vitamin C assists in tissue formation.* It comes in easy-to-digest vegetarian capsules.*
Manufacturer: Nordic Naturals
Quantity: 8 Ounces
Recommended Serving Size: 1 teaspoon once per day, for 3 weeks (Take with a meal)
ProOmega® liquid provides exceptionally high levels of the omega-3 fats EPA and DHA. It is ideal for people wanting high intensity, therapeutic support in a smaller serving. Our most popular concentrate, ProOmega liquid has been shown by original research to support healthy lipid levels in professional athletes, bronchial health, and the body’s ability to respond to stress in a healthy way.*
Manufacturer: Pure Encapsulations
Quantity: 180 capsules
Recommended Serving Size: 2 capsules once per day, for 3 months (with meals)
Magnesium (citrate) is a highly bioavailable magnesium chelate, which supports the metabolism and utilization of carbohydrates, amino acids and fats for energy. Magnesium (aspartate) helps activate enzymes for physiological functions including cardiac health.*
Magnesium activates the enzymes necessary for a number of physiological functions, including neuromuscular contractions, cardiac function, and the regulation of the acid-alkaline balance in the body. It is necessary for the metabolism of carbohydrates, amino acids and fats; also for energy production, and the utilization of calcium, phosphorus, sodium, and potassium. This vital mineral also helps utilize B-complex vitamins, vitamin C, and vitamin E.*
Women's Health - Hot Flashes:
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Manufacturer: Vital Nutrients
Quantity: 250 Softgels
Recommended Serving Size: 2 gels once per day, for 2 months
Evening Primrose Oil contains high amounts of the essential fat Gamma Linolenic Acid (GLA), an omega-6 fatty acid that is essential for metabolism but cannot be produced in the body.* GLA helps support cartilage and joint function, dilates smooth muscle, and helps maintain nerve function and a cholesterol level that is already within the normal range.* It also alleviates common mild symptoms associated with PMS.* Europeans and Native Americans have used primrose oil for centuries for its health benefits.*
Manufacturer: Douglas Labs
Quantity: 60 capsules
Recommended Serving Size: 1 capsule once per day, for 3 months
Isoflavone-250 with Genistein, provided by Douglas Laboratories®, is an isoflavone plant extract standardized to 40% isoflavones. Each 250 mg capsules provides the following isoflavones: genistein, daidzein, daidzin, puerarin-7-xyloside, puerarin and kakkonein.
FUNCTIONS Isoflavones are a class of phytoestrogens, plant-derived compounds that are similar in structure and/or function to animal estrogens. Genistein and daidzein are two predominant isoflavones found in both soy products. Epidemiological studies have found that individuals with high soy intakes often enjoy certain health advantages. Numerous laboratory and clinical studies, investigating the health benefits of soy products, have identified soy isoflavones as key components responsible for the health benefits associated with soy foods. Isoflavones have both weak estrogenic and anti-estrogenic activity, which may contribute to their ability to moderate menopausal symptoms and support maintenance of bone mineral density. Isoflavones also help protect the cardiovascular system, support the immune system, inhibit angiogenesis, and protect against oxidative damage as antioxidants.
INDICATIONS Isoflavone-250 with Genistein may be a useful dietary supplement for individuals who wish to supplement their diet with soy isoflavones.
Manufacturer: Integrative Therapeutics
Quantity: 60 Softgels
Recommended Serving Size: 1 gel once per day, for 1 month
The vitamin E family is made up of different compounds called tocopherols including alpha, gamma, beta, and delta. This vitamin E formula supports heart health, and promotes antioxidant activity.*
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